Permits, Licenses & Forms



You may use the General Building Permit Application form for things such as decks, siding, window replacement, swimming pools, additions, etc.  You may use the New Home Building Permit Application for a new home.  Once your permit is complete, bring in all your site plans, erosion control, etc. and we will advise the Building Inspector.  Once he has finished his process, he will contact you when the permit is ready for pick up.  

Any questions may be directed to:

Chad Woodard, Building Inspector @ General Engineering 608-697-0493 or at

 Please also see: Title15 - Chapter 1 Section 2: Building Permits and Inspection in the Village of Bangor Code of Ordinances


Liquor licenses are renewed each year on July 1st.  Applications are submitted to the Administrator in May of each year so that the Village Board can act on them at their June board meeting.

Operator (Bartender) applications may be picked up at either the Police Department or the Administration/Utility building.  Applications will not be accepted without proof of school.  A background check will also be done by the Police Department.  The fee for the bartender license is $25.00 and a background is $10.00.


Please also see:  Zoning Districts and Regulations-Article C: 13-1-40 thru 13-1-59.

                            Zoning Changes-Article M: Changes and Amendments to the Zoning Code 13-1-240 thru 13-1-242 

                            in the Village of Bangor Code of Ordinances